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Friday, November 18, 2016

A commitment to help children

Zachariah Allen with teacher assistant Mrs. Carmen Garland 

by Susan Palmes-Dennis

DESPITE leaving for another teaching job, Zacharias Allen had made quite the difference at Hopewell High School in Huntersville, North Carolina that he was recognized as the “Titan Teacher of the Month” there.

Specializing in exceptional children (EC), Allen taught Special Curriculum Class (SAC) there for three years. He won “Titan Teacher”, named after Hopewell High School's Titan mascot, as part of a monthly inter-school program meant to recognize work excellence among teachers employed there.

Allen was all smiles when he was given the certificate by the school administrators led by Principal J. Dino Gisiano with assistant principals Chandra Robinson, Patrice McCauley and James Vanosdall.

Allen then placed the certificate in the table of teacher assistant Shelma Murray, as proof of the teamwork and camaraderie among the teachers, students and the teacher assistants whom he worked with.

Allen holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Mental Retardation from the University of South Alabama. When asked what persuaded him to choose a career teaching children with learning difficulties, he said he found it challenging and inspiring.

“I don’t know it brings out the best in (all of us),” Allen said with a smile. He counts more than 20 years of teaching experience years in the elementary, middle school and high school.

Allen is not your standard teacher of the classroom. He pushes his students' wheelchairs, plays with them, laughs with them and helps them go to the cafeteria.

He even goes with the students to the school bus to talk with them while they wait until they receive word that their parents have gone home. To many of us, that goes beyond the call of duty for any teacher.

By giving recognition to Allen, the school recognized his commitment to “assist students to learn” even beyond the classroom.

Allen holds a masters degree in divinity and is a preacher at the Providence A.M.E Zion Church, an African Methodist Episcopal church located at Salisbury, North Carolina.

Allen is the second winner since the program started this school year. He also received a cash reward which he shared with the assistants and the students.
Teacher assistant Rosaline Nwigne was happy about Allen's award. 

“I am happy for the kids, this is really an exciting year for all of us,” said Nwigne, who was in the SAC classroom for more than eight years.

Allen was elated with the recognition given to him by Hopewell High School for his efforts in teaching children with learning difficulties. “It confirmed the school's recognition of the love I had teaching children with disabilities,” he said.

Allen is a towering figure in SAC rooms 512 and 513, two EC classes at Hopewell High. He also coaches tennis in high school. Allen is a picture of calm and respect and his teaching methodology seeks to equip special education children with the functional life skills they need for everyday living.

Allen along with EC teacher Amerifica Terrell incorporates academic lessons with life and social skills. They teach these special children such basic skills as sorting, folding, mailing, timekeeping and learning how to set tables and the rest.

Allen also helps these special children social skills and occupational awareness and exploration, as appropriate as well as Math and Science. Time and again he reminds them to open their minds and hearts and focus on their strengths and interests.

“Whenever parents and administrators compliment the learning goals and approaches that I have implemented for the exceptional children, it gives me fulfillment,” Allen said.

He is still learning in order to understand and help these special children. I join the others in congratulating Allen for his work and commitment to them.

(Susan Palmes-Dennis is a veteran journalist from Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Northern Mindanao in the Philippines and is now employed  in one of the school systems in the Carolinas.
Read her blogs on susanpalmesstraightfrom the Carolinas.com and at http://www.blogher.com/myprofile/spdennis54. These and other articles also appear at http://www.sunstar.com.ph/author/2582/susan-palmes-dennis.
You can also connect with her through her email susanap.dennis@yahoo.com as well as her Pinterest account at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/41025046580074350/) and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Straight-from-the-Carolinas-/494156950678063)